Bücher Herunterladen , by Jon Krakauer
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, by Jon Krakauer

Bücher Herunterladen , by Jon Krakauer
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2036 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 216 Seiten
Verlag: Picador; Auflage: Reprints (6. Juli 2011)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0330351699
ISBN-13: 978-0330351690
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.2 von 5 Sternen
239 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#40.979 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Ein Jugendlicher verlässt sein altes Leben, mit dem Ziel, alleine in der Wildnis von Alaska zu überleben. Er schafft es nicht. Trotzdem ist es keine Geschichte, mit der keiner von uns was zu tun hat. Wollen nicht alle irgendwann mal im Leben ihre Grenzen ausprobieren? Gibt es nicht viele, die sich in jungen Jahren von ihren Eltern abgrenzen wollen? Oder einfach glauben, sie wären eh die schlausten? Vielleicht hätten viele uns Chris McCandless sein können.Es ist toll geschrieben und man durchlebt alle emotionalen Wandel direkt mit.Ich kann das Buch nur empfehlen!
A young man goes in the wilderness, rather unprepared, and therefore does not survive this adventure. I was exchange student in Alaska right after this story happened, and many shook their head over this naive man. But why then this huge interest and success of this story?I think, Chris McCandless did live what many others in their younger years fantasize about. Leave this crazy every-day world where only money and success counts, live independently, in the end maybe a solitary live somewhere in Alaska's wilderness. I recognize my own dream in it, even though I "only" then went to Alaska as a student.In the end McCandless realizes something very important, it is summarized in his sentence he suddenly writes down "Happiness is only real when shared." We are no independent, isolated beings, but depend on each other and need each other. One can flee the crazy world, but it's not what human beings are meant for.As Krakauer writes in the introduction, McCandless could have walked out of the wilderness and noone ever would have heard of him. He died tragically, but paradoxically only through this did his story and insight fascinate so many readers and those watching the movie.
The true story of a young man who walked in 1992 "Into the wild" is an exciting and well researched book.Christoper J. McCandless, a young man of twenty-three years walked in 1992 into the wilderness of Alaska, "The trip was to be an odyssey...", he survived more than one hundred days before he died of starvation. "I thought he'd be fine in the end." The journalist and mountaineer Jon Krakauer, best known for his book "Into thin air", which details a disaster that happened in 1996 at climbing Mount Everest, has written an article about the young man for the Outside magazine. He received a lot of mail. People thought McCandless as an unprepared young man, who just wanted to die. "I have no sympathy for him. Such willful ignorance."Jon Krakauer became more interested in the story and began an research that lasted almost a year. He spoke with family, friends and the people Christopher met on his journey, he read the postcards and the journal Chris has written and created with all this fragments an amazing picture of the young man who died in Alaska and an exciting and very readable book, "Into the wild", which was turned into a major movie in 2007.The book isn' t written in chronological order. It begins with the day McCandless last saw another human being and ends with the visit of his family members at the abandoned bus, where Christoper died. In between Krakauer gives information about Alaska, the things he thought to be fatal for the young man, but he also tells about other people who died in Alaska or walked on an journey similiar to Chris'. And Krakauer tells about his own life. McCandless reminded him of himself when he was younger and was determined to climb a mountain that was called "The Devils Thumb" in Alaska. He spent three weeks on his own in the wilderness. It was an experience he never forgot, and which helped him to tell Christopher J. McCandless' story, and there were more parallels in their both lives.The young man was a rebel, like almost every young person is, he was tired of the live that was waiting for him, "...they are conditioned to a life of security", he just wanted to take a break, "...to explore the inner country of his own soul."Unfortunately he failed to walk back into civilization, although salvation was close. The wilderness, is no longer so wild, as Christoper oder Alexander Supertramp, as he called himself for some time, thought. There are no more blank spots in Alaska. Nearby were some cabins with first-aid supplies and emergency food and two weeks after McCandless died, six people met by chance at the abondened bus and found the corpse.
First things first: "Into the wild" is not a novel but rather a lengthy reportage in book format. Structure and style are strongly journalistic.Taking McCandless's vagabond life as a starting point, the author reflects on (as Jack London put it) the call of the wild, the yearning for isolation and loneliness and the will to test one's limits surrounded by a challenging nature. Roughly half of the book tells McCandless's story and how he ended up as a twentysomething leading a vagabond life in America's Southwest till he went to Alaska where he died of starvation. (The book starts with McCandless's death so don't think I spoiled it.) ;-)The other half deals with other rather famous people who succumbed to the call of the wild, Krakauer being one of them himself - yet unlike others he survived. The author also interviews McCandless's family, friends and acquaintances. He highlights the loss and pain the family suffered.Ultimately, Krakauer thinks that youth, idealism and a certain unwillingness to forgive other people's mistakes are some of the main reasons why people go into the wild and severe all contact with their families.On this edition: The Pan/Macmillan edition (ISBN-10: 0330455842, ISBN-13: 978-0330455848) is cheap - and not much else. I don't really like books with the cover of a movie, but this cover includes an especially awful "Now a Major Motion Picture blah blah blah". The font used is rather small (I guess about 10 or 9 points). On the positive side, this edition includes 4 black and white maps (2 Alaska, 2 Colorado River). In conclusion, despite the fact that I loved the book itself, I do not really recommend this particular edition.
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